Are fish oil supplements good for heart?

Are fish oil supplements good for the heart?

Their role in today’s medical context is still not clear

A very common question asked of me by patients is, “Should I consume fish oil supplements?” The fish oil supplements referred to are those containing the omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

In this article, recent scientific data will be reviewed to help shed some light on this topic. The scientific data in this article refers to studies on fish oil supplements in the form of capsules and not fish oils from dietary seafood. Firstly, is fish oil supplementation useful for those with no pre-existing heart disease? In the general population for those without pre-existing heart disease, there is presently no evidence that consumption of omega-3 PUFA supplements is beneficial. Even for those with diabetes mellitus or prediabetes, none of the well-designed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been able to demonstrate that consumption of omega-3 PUFA supplements can prevent cardiovascular events (heart attacks and strokes).

Secondly, is fish oil supplementation useful for those with no known heart disease, but who were considered at high risk of heart disease on the basis of the presence of disease in other arterial sites such as stroke, limb arterial disease, diabetes mellitus, or hypercholesterolemia?

Overall, the data from RCTs is mixed although the majority of co-authors of the April Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (Fish Oil) Supplementation and the Prevention of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease Science Advisory from the American Heart Association concluded that treatment is not indicated, a minority of co-authors concluded that treatment of these patients is reasonable.

Can fish oil supplements prevent heart disease and sudden death in patients with heart artery disease?

There are five large RCTs and other smaller RCTs which have been performed to evaluate the effects of omega-3 PUFA supplementation on clinical cardiovascular events in patients with pre-existing heart artery disease. Taken together, the cumulative findings from RCTs suggest that omega-3 PUFA supplements may reduce incidents of heart artery disease death, possibly through a reduction in sudden death during a heart attack. However, fish oil supplementation does not prevent future heart attacks. Hence, it is considered that treatment with omega-3 PUFA supplements is reasonable for secondary prevention of death from heart artery disease.

If your heart pump is weak, current data suggests that omega-3 PUFA supplementation may reduce heart failure-related hospitalizations and death. This conclusion is based on one RCT, and more studies will help to provide more understanding in the future.

However, before you start loading yourself up with large amounts of fish oils, you should be aware that the benefit of fish oil supplementation have decreased over time.

While earlier studies have shown a large reduction in sudden cardiac death, later studies have shown no benefit. This discrepancy may be due to a few factors. Firstly, the relationship between fish oil supplementation and sudden cardiac death is not a linear relationship. In other words, it does not mean that the higher the quantity of fish oils consumed, the lower the risk of sudden cardiac death.

Therefore, in more recent years with more public educations, there has been increasing intake of fish oils. It may be possible that patients included in the more recent trials have already been consuming sufficient amount of dietary fish oils (for, example, at least one to two weekly servings of fatty fish) so that additional fish oil supplementation would produce little or no incremental reduction in cardiac death.

Secondly, medical treatment of heart disease has improved significantly over the years and with optimal medical treatment with current drugs, it may be possible that fish oil supplementation has little benefit whereas fewer patients in earlier trials received cholesterol-lowering medication or had angioplasty or surgery after a heart attack.

Thirdly, given the improvement in medical treatment of heart disease over the last two decades, it has required a much larger cohort of patients to be included in trials to be able to detect the lower incidence of death from heart artery disease. Compared to post-heart attack patients 20 years ago, the likelihood of sudden cardiac death following a heart attack in present day patients is very much lower.

Hence, it is difficult to have a large trial, given the much lower incidence of sudden cardiac death presently, which is able to detect any potential effect of fish oil supplementation on sudden cardiac death.

What this means is that for those patients with heart artery disease who received optimal medical therapy in today’s medical context, the role of fish oil supplements is not entirely clear. However, results of ongoing trials may provide an answer in the near future.

Can fish oil supplements prevent stroke?

For healthy individuals with no prior stroke, there is currently no evidence that the consumption of omega-3 PUFA supplements can prevent strokes. There is currently also no RCT that has examined the effects of omega-3 PUFA supplements on cardiovascular events, either stroke or heart disease, among patients with a  previous stroke.


The benefits of omega-3 PUFAs in reducing sudden cardiac death is seen in those with a recent heart attack. It is believed that the mechanism is mainly through stabilizing the electrical milieu of the heart muscle cells in the context of a recent heart attack and hence reducing the likelihood of life-threatening heart rhythms.

In a heart attack, there is damaged heart muscle and also heart muscle which is not getting adequate blood flow as a result of occlusion of the heart artery. This causes the affected heart muscle cells to be electrically unstable and this may result in the occurrence of life-threatening heart rhythms originating from the damaged muscle.

It is believed that fish oils work by making the covering membrane of the affected heart muscle cells less irritable and decreases the likelihood that life-threatening heart rhythms may develop. The mechanism of reducing cardiac death by fish oil consumption is not due to effects on atherosclerotic (vascular degeneration) progression of the heart artery, plaque (cholesterol deposits in the wall of the artery causing narrowing) stability, plaque rupture, or the development of a blood clot which occludes the narrowed heart artery segment.

Practical measures

If you are healthy, there is no benefit in fish oil omega-3 PUFA supplements. Even if you have pre-existing diabetes or prediabetes but have no known heart disease, there is no evidence that consumption of fish oil omega-3 PUFA supplements can help.

For those with no known heart disease but are considered at high risk for heart disease on the basis of the presence of disease in other arterial sites such as stroke, limb arterial disease, diabetes mellitus, or hypercholesterolemia, although the majority view is that it is not indicated, there is a small dissenting minority which holds the view that it is reasonable to consume fish oils.

If you had a recent heart attack or have heart failure with reduced heart pump function, omega-3 PUFA supplementation may be reasonable. However, if you are taking omega-3 PUFA supplementation to prevent a future stroke, there is currently no evidence to support it.

If you should decide to take fish oil omega-3 PUFA supplements, it is best to take those with high EPA and DHA content.

Business Times
31 August 2019

Benefits of fish oil; fact or fiction?

Benefits of fish oil: fact or fiction?

published a scientific statement, “Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease.” At that time, based on evidence from 2 large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that demonstrated that consumption of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)+docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplements significantly reduced fatal cardiac events, , the AHA recommended that patients with documented heart artery disease  consume about 1 gram/day of  EPA and DHA, preferably from oily fish, but EPA and DHA supplements could be considered in consultation with a physician. The statement recommended that additional studies be done to confirm the findings and to further understand the potential benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplements in those with and without underlying heart disease. Since then, there have been many RCTs that have been conducted to evaluate the potential benefits of omega-3 fatty acid supplements. In 2017, American Heart Association issued a new advisory on “Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (Fish Oil) Supplementation and the Prevention of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease”

Can Fish oils prevent Heart disease?

If you are healthy and have no underlying heart disease, before you pay for that expensive fish oil supplements, you may wish to know that presently, there has been no major RCT that has examined the effect of consumption of omega-3 PUFA supplements in those with no known heart disease.  Hence, there is no evidence that consumption of omega-3 PUFA supplements in a healthy person is of any benefit.

Fish Oils and Diabetics

Patients with diabetes or are at risk of diabetes are at a higher risk of getting strokes and heart attacks.  In the large  ORIGIN trial (Outcome Reduction With Initial Glargine Intervention), more than 12 000 pre-diabetic or diabetic patients who were at high risk of heart attack or stroke were randomly divided to consume omega-3 PUFA  supplement or placebo. The study showed that there was no benefit seen with supplementation with omega-3 PUFA in this group of patients.

A more recent large RCT, ASCEND (A Study of Cardiovascular Events in Diabetes), published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August 2018 examined the effects of omega-3 PUFA supplements on cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes without known heart disease or stroke, and the study found that there no significant difference between the omega-3 PUFA  supplementation and placebo groups.

Overall, the current evidence from RCTs suggests that omega-3 PUFA supplementation in patients with or at risk for diabetes mellitus did not prevent heart attacks or stroke and there is no benefit in taking omega-3 PUFA supplements in this group of patients.

High Risk of Heart Disease

If you are considered to be at high risk of a heart attack because you have risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, or high cholesterol levels, or if you have pre-existing conditions such as previous stroke or narrowing of your lower limb arteries, will you benefit from omega-3 PUFA supplementation?

Of the 4 RCT trials ( including the ORIGIN trial) that looked at this matter, none showed any benefit of omega-3 PUFA supplementation in preventing heart attacks and death related to heart disease. One of the 4 trials, the JELIS trial (Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study), reported that omega-3 PUFA supplementation was associated with a reduction in unstable angina, coronary artery bypass grafting, or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. However, there was also no reduction in heart attacks and death from heart disease.

As a result of the data from the JELIS trial, the 2017 American Heart Association co-authors of the advisory could not reach a consensus but the majority of the co-authors concluded that treatment with omega-3 PUFA supplementation is not indicated.  However, a minority of co-authors concluded that treatment of these patients is reasonable.

Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death

For those with pre-existing heart disease, the data suggests that omega-3 PUFA supplementation may reduce heart related death.  It is thought that this reduction in death is due mainly to a  reduction in life-threatening heart rhythms which occurs as a result of insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle. However, the treatment does not reduce the incidence of recurrent non-life threatening heart attacks.

The reduction in heart related death ( approximately 10%), presumably by reducing sudden cardiac death, is a likely a benefit of omega-3 PUFA supplementation. However, this beneficial effect has diminished over time.  The American Heart Association advisory committee’s review of 20 studies showed a trend of earlier studies showing large reductions in heart-related and sudden cardiac deaths but later studies showing no benefit. One possible explanation is that there is a higher dietary consumption of fish by patients included in recent trials as compared to those in earlier studies. Hence, the effect of omega-3 PUFA supplementation has been attenuated in those participating in recent trials. Another possibility is that in recent years, with the widespread implementation of optimal medical treatment of heart disease, including the use of statins, it may be possible that omega-3 PUFA supplementation has little benefit.

Nevertheless, the current recommendation is that for those with pre-existing heart disease, it is considered reasonable to consume omega-3 PUFA supplements.

Mechanism for preventing Sudden Cardiac Death

The postulated mechanism for the effect of omega-3 PUFA on heart related death is related to its effects in the setting of life threatening abnormal heart rhythm resulting from insufficient blood flow (ischaemia-induced ) causing irritability of the heart’s electrical system. It is believed that the effects include stabilization of ischaemia-induced heart muscle cell membrane electrical signal, rather than any effects on the heart artery narrowing or on the plaque deposits in the heart artery.

The data from the trials supporting this show that the reduction of heart related death following the use of omega-3 PUFA in those with pre-existing heart disease was attributable mainly to reduced sudden cardiac death from abnormal heart rhythms rather than other types of heart- related death.

Preventing Stroke

To date, there has been no RCT which has studied whether omega-3 PUFA supplements can prevent stroke in healthy individuals or in those with pre-existing stroke. Currently, there is no data to support the use of omega-3 PUFA supplementation to reduce the risk of stroke in patients without a history of stroke or in patients with a past history of stroke.

Heart Failure

Based on 1 large RCT, heart failure patients on omega-3 PUFA supplements had reduction of death resulting from any cause, heart related- hospitalizations or death. While more studies are required to further define the benefit of omega-3 PUFA supplementation in patients with heart failure, it is reasonable to consume omega-3 PUFA supplements among patients with heart failure with impaired heart function.

Fish Oil 2018

Based on all available evidence, the conclusions are as follows : –

  • There is no proven benefit from omega-3 PUFA supplementation for the general population who are not at high risk of heart disease, even if they are diabetics or pre-diabetics
  • For those without pre-existing heart disease but have a high risk of heart disease, there is a lack of consensus. The majority view is that omega-3 PUFA supplementation is not indicated but a minority are of the view that it may be considered.
  • For those with a recent heart attack, the current recommendation is that, in consultation with a doctor, omega-3 PUFA supplementation is considered reasonable
  • It is reasonable to consume omega-3 PUFA supplements among patients with heart failure with impaired heart function.
  • There is no evidence that omega-3 PUFA supplementation can prevent  stroke

While many healthy people consume omega-3 PUFA supplementation, the present data show that the potential benefit of omega-3 PUFA supplementation is mostly seen in those with a recent heart attack. Even then, this potential effect has been diminished over time, with more recent trials showing no benefit. Therefore, know your facts before making that decision to buy omega-3 PUFA supplements.

Dr Michael Lim
Senior Consultant Physician Cardiologist
MWH Heart, Stroke and Cancer Centre

The Business Times, Sunday, 22 October 2018