


Corporate Lunch Health Talk – Singtel, Comcentre

Singtel Corporate Health Lunch Talk

Date: 25 March 2019
Corporate Company: Singtel
Venue: Singtel Recreation Club, Comcentre B2
Time: 12 pm to 2 pm

Topic: Common ENT Conditions
Speaker: Dr Vyas Prasad, Senior Consultant Otolaryngologist-Head & Neck Surgeon

Disease of the Ear, Nose and Throat affect all ages and are relatively common making up to 40% Self-referrals to General Practitioners. Condition such as the common cold, influenza, allergic rhinitis and chronic cough are a staple of both the General Practitioner and Specialist Otolaryngologist.

In this talk, Dr Vyas highlighted the variety of conditions that present to the Otolaryngologist and the impact they have on the individual and their carers.  These include common infections which can develop into far more serious complications. Head and Neck Cancer and airways issues that are associated with sleep and others that can also comprise breathing.

360 Health Management Seminar

360 Health Management Seminar

Date: 30 March 2019
Time: 10am to 2pm
Venue: SPH News Centre Auditorium

If you value your health, you would do well to pay heed to the adage: Prevention is better than cure. You can also put it into practice by attending The Straits Times Mind & Body 360 Health Management Seminar. This event gives you the opportunity to gain more knowledge and tips on how to protect, manage and support your health.

keep a look out for our next Health talk in 19 Oct 2019

Preparation for Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy

How to Prepare for Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy

Learn how you can prepare for and what to expect during scope procedures such as Colonoscopy and OGD (Oesophagoscopy, Gastroscopy and Duodenoscopy).

Colonoscopy is used to detect colorectal cancer (also known as colon cancer). A doctor may recommend this scope procedure if a patient has/requires:

  • Change in bowel habits
  • Familial colorectal polyposis
  • Screening for polyps or having a family history of colorectal cancer
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Anaemia or decrease in the amount of red blood cells
  • Blood in stools (or when tested positive during Faecal Occult Blood Testing/FOBT)

OGD procedures (referring to Oesophagoscopy, Gastroscopy and Duodenoscopy) are used to screen for ulcers, gastritis and cancer in the upper digestive tract.

Apart from screening, treatment can also be administered during OGD by:

  • Applying treatment to a bleeding ulcer to stop the bleeding
  • Removing polyps or foreign bodies
  • Treating enlarged blood vessels in the food pipe (oesophagus) by tying them up

How to prepare for a scope

For colonoscopy, performing bowel cleansing before the procedure is required. However, for OGD, fasting for 6 hours (without food and drink) is needed.

Improper preparation may result in patients having to repeat or reschedule their scope procedure.

Bowel Cleansing for Colonoscopy

There are two methods of colon cleansing – Oral Fleet and Fortrans (or PEG powder). Your doctor will decide which is suitable for you.

How to prepare Oral Fleet: Usually 2 bottles of Oral Fleet are given for colon cleansing. Each bottle contains 45ml of medicine and each is to be taken half an hour apart. Divide each bottle into 15ml by pouring into 3 glasses. Fill each glass with approximately 250ml of plain water. You can also add honey, glucose, barley water or isotonic drinks to flavour the solution. Drink all 3 glasses over 10mins. Repeat for the second bottle of Oral Fleet.

How to prepare Fortrans (PEG powder): Your doctor will decide the number of packets you require. Dilute 1 packet with 1 litre of plain water. Drink it over a 1 hour period.

Once you feel the bowel preparation mix taking effect, stay close to the bathroom.

Tips to reduce discomfort of a scope

For Colonoscopy: 3 days before the procedure, try to avoid fruits and vegetables, red meat and brown rice.

If your scope is scheduled for the morning, have a soft diet 1 day before the procedure and consume clear liquids only.

If your scope is scheduled for the afternoon, have a light breakfast and clear liquids only.

For OGD: If you feel thirsty during the 6-hour fast, rinse your mouth with water or suck on some ice cubes.

While preparing for a colonoscopy or OGD, you may be asked to stop certain medications depending on your doctor’s advice.

Medications to continue: Hypertensive/thyroid

Medications to discontinue: Blood thinning medicine, iron tablets, and medication for diabetes on the day of the procedure (only for colonoscopy)

After your procedure, you can return home immediately if no sedation was given. If sedation was given, you will be required to be accompanied home by an adult.

Procedure Room @ MWH Medical Specialist Centre
Source reference: https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/16/screening_heart_disease




Self-Assessment for Heart Disease Test

Early detection prevents complication such as heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and artery disease. Heart disease is 1 of the top leading cause of death worldwide and affects not only the heart but other major parts of the body. Early detection prevents complication such as heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and artery disease.

Heart (Cardiovascular) Screening

Heart disease is a broad term that uses to describe a range of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Heart disease is often used interchangeably with cardiovascular disease.

Why is cardiovascular screening important?

Cardiovascular disease begins with damage to the body from lifestyle factors like smoking, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet. This progresses to the development of high-risk diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Screening identifies those at risk of future cardiovascular events of the heart and other major body organs. It also identifies those with modifiable risk factors, which are reversible and reduce one’ s risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Who should go for the screening of cardiovascular risk factors?

  • Every adults aged 18 years and above should go for the screening of cardiovascular risk factor
  • Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure
  • Long-standing kidney disease patients

the above are those who are having a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and should be screened regularly based on their doctor’s advice.

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

What is the global cardiovascular risk assessment?

Global cardiovascular risk assessment involves assessing a patient’s total cardiovascular risk rather than just assessing risk factors (high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes or obesity) in isolation.

The best known global cardiovascular risk assessment tool is the Framingham Risk Score (FRS). Based on the FRS adapted for local use, the risk for an asymptomatic individual is classified as:

  • Low-risk corresponding to <10% risk of vascular events* over a ten-year period
  • Intermediate-risk corresponding to 10-20% risk of vascular events over a ten-year period
  • High-risk corresponding to >20% risk of vascular events over a ten-year period

*These vascular events include heart attack and coronary death.

It should be done every five years starting from the age of 18 years. For individuals at risk but who have no symptoms, the assessment is followed by advice on making certain lifestyle changes such as cutting back on cigarettes, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly and, where appropriate, medicines are given to treat high blood pressure, high lipids and diabetes. Individuals at low risk should continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. More frequent assessment is recommended for those who are diabetic, chronic smokers or obese.

How to calculate the ten-year coronary artery disease risk?

It is calculated based on:

Smoking status
Total and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol level
Systolic blood pressure

Additional Screening Tests

What additional screening tests may be needed following global cardiovascular risk screening?

These additional tests may be needed for cardiovascular evaluation of individuals moderate and high risk without any symptoms.

  • Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Exercise Treadmill Test
  • Coronary artery calcium score
  • Cardiac stress imaging (Stress Echocardiology)
  • CT Coronary angiography
  • Carotid intima-media thickness

When should screening for body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, high blood and high cholesterol be done?

Pre-exercise Screening

It helps identify those at risk for the cardiovascular event during exercise. The questionnaire below recommended for safety reasons before participating in any physical activity.

Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAR Q) can be obtained from HPB (https://www.healthhub.sg/sites/assets/Assets/Programs/NSC-Corporate/Season-4/pdfs/PAR-Q.pdf)

Follow-up on the Results of Screening for Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors

Discuss the result of your screening with your doctor and know what you can do to live a healthy lifestyle as well as ways to prevent and treat your medical conditions.

Table of reference – Live a healthy lifestyle

What you can do Recommendations
Healthy eating Eat five to seven servings of rice and alternatives daily (of which two to three servings should be wholegrain products)

Eat two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables daily

Eat two to three servings of meat and alternatives daily (of which half a serving should come from dairy or other high calcium products)

Use fats, oils and salt sparingly to flavour food

Drink six to eight glasses of fluid (1.5 to 2.0 litres) daily

Maintain a healthy weight Target to have your BMI between 18.3 to 22.9 kg/m2

Keep your waist circumference equal or less than

80 cm for women

90 cm for men

If you are overweight, aim to lose only 0.5 kg per week.

A slow and steady weight management is healthier and easier on the body

Engage in regular physical activity If you are not exercising regularly, start today with ten minutes of brisk walking and build up as your physical fitness improves. You will enjoy the better health that comes with regular exercise

Target to exercise regularly e.g. brisk walking 30 minutes a day five days a week, or a pedometer reading of 10,000 steps a day

If you enjoy doing other exercises, be regular in doing them

Cut back on cigarettes See your doctor if you need help to quit smoking or to discuss more about it
 Limit alcohol use Avoid alcohol bingeing

Ask your doctor s advice on setting the limits on alcohol consumption

Table of Reference – Prevent your medical conditions

What you can do Recommendations
Keep your cholesterol levels in check Desirable levels are:

Total Cholesterol Less than 5.2 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)
HDL-cholesterol Equal or greater than 1.0 mmol/L (40 mg/dL)
LDL-cholesterol Less than 3.4 mmol/L (130 mg/dL)
Triglycerides Less than 2.3 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)

Check with your doctor the levels to set for yourself

Keep your blood pressure levels in check Normal blood pressure levels are:

Systolic BP Less than 130 mm Hg
Diastolic BP Less than 80 mm HgCheck with your doctor the levels to set for yourself

Keep your blood sugar levels in check Optimal (target goal for majority of patients) are:

HbA1c 6.5 7.0%
Pre-meal glucose 6.1 8.0 mmol/L
Two-hour post-meal glucose 7.1 10.0 mmol/L

Check with your doctor the levels to set for yourself

Take your medications regularly Take your medicines regularly even if you feel well

Check with your doctor on the targets of control if they are not optimal

Go for regular monitoring if you have chronic medical conditions You need regular monitoring if you have high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or diabetes


Keep up to date on your screening appointments for you and your family using our MWH Medical Mobile Apps.

Download MWH Mobile Apps through Apple or Android Store.

Source reference: https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/16/screening_heart_disease

At the heart of healthcare

23 October 2018 marked another milestone for Singapore Medical Specialists Centre – The opening of MWH Medical Pte Ltd at Royal Square Novena 7th Floor.

Our one-stop facility comprises 3 different focus area and is named as follows:

MWH Medical Specialists Centre presents a multidisciplinary set of specialists’ healthcare services.

MWH Heart, Stroke and Cancer Centre with the main focus of treating the 3 main causes of death: Heart disease, Stroke and Cancer by interventional cardiologists and radiologists.

MWH Centre for Medical Imaging provides health screening and diagnostics imaging, which is the backbone of our efforts to preventive healthcare.

Singapore Medical Specialists Centre aims to be the ideal healthcare choice for locals and medical travellers, by delivering medical services with safe, accurate and excellent outcomes. Our one-stop facility provides comprehensive healthcare and advanced diagnostic services by leading physicians in a private setting with a focus on excellent service standards, with the key focus on ‘Preventive Healthcare, Early Detection and Intervention”.

中国经济新闻网 2018-10-26 – 携手新加坡MWH医疗集团,西门子首个亚洲标准中心正式落成



新加坡MWH 医疗集团与西门子医疗系统有限公司于2018年10 月23 日正式宣布合作,西门子首个亚洲标准中心正式落成启用。位于诺维娜皇家广场7楼的MWH医疗集团旗下又一大型综合性医疗中心举行了盛大的开业典礼。新加坡副总理兼国安部部长张志贤阁下当天作为主宾出席开业大典。


MWH Medical Opening Ceremony Photo

图注:新加坡副总理兼国安部部长张志贤(Teo Chee Hean)阁下作为主宾出席开业典礼。并与西门子医疗执行副总裁Arthur Kaindl医生、西门子医疗董事会主席Michael Reittermann先生、MWH医疗集团医疗总监Michael Lim医生、新加坡国会副议长Charles Chong先生、Quadria Capital执行合伙人Amit Varma医生、MWH医疗集团总裁CEO Wendy Huang女士、Quadria Capital执行合伙人Abrar Mir先生,共同为7楼的MWH医疗中心剪彩,祝贺其正式落成。



Magnetom Vida @ Asia Reference Centre in MWH Centre of Medical Imaging

图注:全亚洲第一台3T Magnetom Vida 磁共振成像仪器

CT Somaton Drive @ Asia Reference Centre in MWH Centre of Medical Imaging

图注:双源CT Somatom Drive 计算机断层扫描仪器





MWH医疗集团是本地第一个引进人工智能与生物科技相结合的西门子3T Magnetom Vida磁共振成像设备的医疗中心。该设备不仅大大缩短了检查时间,还能提供更加清晰、精准、高分辨率的医学影像。该技术可根据每位患者的特定情况和需求自动校准图像的清晰度,从而做到个性化影像诊断,迎合不同患者的特定需求。










地址:MWH Medical Pte Ltd,#07-01, 101 Irrawaddy Road,Royal Square at Novena,Singapore 329565

来源:北国网 编辑: editor016

联合早报 2018年10月24日 3:30 AM 文/卓彦薇 摄影/严宣融 — MWH引进亚洲首台新仪器 磁共振扫描影像更快速清晰

MRI at Siemen Healthineers Asia Reference Centre


本地私人医疗业者MWH医疗集团引进亚洲首台结合人工智能,以及德国西门子医疗(Siemens Healthineers)独家BioMatrix科技的磁共振成像仪器,为病人提供更快速和清晰的扫描影像。

这台3T Magnetom Vida磁共振成像仪器,设在MWH医疗集团位于Royal Square@Novena的新综合医疗中心。



西门子医疗新加坡常务董事萧爱莉受访时指出,磁共振扫描一般用于检查病人的软体组织如血管、肌肉、肌腱等部位。她说:“磁共振扫描没有辐射,因此也适用于检查小孩。”她补充,西门子医疗研发的3T Magnetom Vida磁共振成像仪器,通过人工智能技术和BioMatrix科技,可记录病人的生理机能,实时调整扫描参数,可缩短扫描时间,同时增加影像的解析度。






发布/2018年10月24日 3:30 AM摄影/严宣融来自/联合早报