Keeping an eye on dry eye syndrome

Keeping an eye on dry eye syndrome

Eye complaints are becoming more common especially when the weather is hot, dry and hazy

A Patient of mine who suffered from dry and allergic eyes and eyelids told me recently that she deemed me a role model because of my “sparkly eyes”. As an eye doctor of 20 years and counting, it was the first compliment of its kind, amidst the usual polite comments on my youthful appearance or “nice eyes” I received.

As I pondered it, it drove home to me how precious having healthy eyes is. Aside form seeing well, with good quality of vision, eye health also encompasses healthy appearance and eye comfort, which together contribute to a good quality of life.

It is probably no coincidence that some of the common eye complaints I manage are eye irritation and discomfort. In times of hot, dry spells and haze, eye clinics including ours see even more such cases.

Majority of these are in working adults, but they do come in all ages, including children. They are caused by a combination of eye dryness and allergic conjunctivitis, a condition that plagues the conjunctiva, the superficial lining of the visible part of the white of eye. Accompanying symptoms are blurring of vision, tired eyes and even headaches.

Often relegated to primary eye care, in my experience, these conditions are becoming commoner in recent years, due to the increasing and prolonged use of personal digital devices, computerization of workplace, possibly an increase in airborne particles in our environment and insufficient eye hygiene. The latter is likely contributed to by a multi-billion dollar eye cosmetics industry, several times that of dry eye treatment.

As we gear up against global warming and climate change, it is apt to consider how it relates to our health, including the eyes.

The World Health Organization regularly studies and responds to climate change and human health. For ocular health related to climate change, experts in recent years predicted an exacerbation of symptoms of dry eye disease.

Dry eye specialists classify the sub-types of dry eyes into tear production deficiency versus evaporative eye dryness, in a nutshell.

On the ground, the picture is often mixed. It is suffices to note that dry eye disease is usually chronic and multi-factorial. Apart from the garden variety of dry eyes, arising from a combination of ageing, hence slowing of tear gland production, and increased evaporation, more severe forms may result from diseases such as the autoimmune Sjogren’s syndrome that may cause dry mouth too. Thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and diabetes are also associated with dry eyes, as are certain medications like anti-histamines, antidepressants and isotretinoin for acne.

Relief for sufferes

The average dry eye sufferers can improve their conditions through several simple measures. These include keeping themselves well hydrated, limiting their onscreen duration, taking more frequent visual breaks, positioning their computers at the lowest height possible to reduce exposed eye surface area, and avoiding direct drafts of air such as fan or air-conditioning from desiccating their ocular surface.

In addition, over-the-counter medications such as tear supplement eye drops and mild versions of anti-allergy eye drops can provide sufficient relief for milder cases.

If these failed to work, specialist care from an eye doctor is recommended, especially for detailed diagnosis to rule out any underlying eye, connective tissue or general health disease, which may contribute to persistent and severe eye dryness.

Sometimes diagnosis merits a variety of examinations including blood tests for related diseases. Treatment will then be targeted again the pertinent issues, such as managing eyelid inflammation or concurrent allergic eye diseases.

Supplements such as oral Vitamin D and omega-three fatty acids are sometimes also advocated, the details of which warrant in-clinic discussions.

More severe dry eyes will required further management, potentially with novel treatment options and even eye surgery. It is important to note that dry eyes can lead to complications such as cornea infections in severe cases, which in turn ricks scarring and spreading in the eye, particularly in ill patients.

In general, the cost of treatment of dry eye disease other than those of higher severity is shared by both the sufferers as well as healthcare sponsors. The global economic and quality of life burden of dry eye diseases had been studied by Dr Marguerite McDonald, published in The Ocular Surface, April 2016, and results suggested that is is a substantial economic burden.

Dry eye disease was found to contribute to loss of work productivity as well as substantial negative impact on physical and also psychological function. An American study by Schiffman et al in 2003 found that in severe cases, its impact on quality of life was comparable to that from having severe angina or chest pain.

Seeing that the global market for treatment of dry eyes is reported to be in the billions currently and expected to increase steadily, health promotion strategies, in my personal opinion, will be well-served to include prevention and management of dry eye syndrome.

In my clinic, in association with the laser refractive and cataract surgery I performed, I highly recommend routinely keeping an eye on dry eye management for improved results.

Long-term care

Screening, pre-treatment, appropriate selection of microsurgical techniques to reduce post-operative dry eyes, compliance to dry eye treatment, patient education and lots of patience from the doctor as well as patients are factors that can lead to success in long-term care of dry eye disease and improved surgical satisfaction.

As for sparkly eyes, my thoughts are that it has to do with my having enough sleep the previous night. Any other factors observed (apparently wisdom also show in sparkly eyes) would be a bonus!

Straits Times Life
24-25 August 2019

Boosting collagen production for younger-looking skin

Boosting collagen production for younger-looking skin

A new skin product called Rejuran, which contains PolyNucleotides, has delivered impressive results

In recent years, bio-active molecules derived from multi-potential cells, such as stem cells or germ cells, extracted either from human or animal sources has been at the fore-front of research and medical cuse.

Among the plethora of bio-active molecules, PolyNucleotides (PN) have recently been highly talked about. It is a germ cells of humans and animals. PN has a scaffold-like 3-dimensional structure that can be easily and more cheaply obtained from its sources, as compared to stem cells.

PN has near-miraculous tissue repair, anti-ischaemic and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Recent trials have shown promising results in treatments of severe burns, diabetes-impaired hard-to-heal wounds, chronic inflammatory diseases and many more.

Recent application in Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery have also shown promising results in stimulation of fibroblast function (collagen production) along with synthesis of scaffolding proteins to keep collagen in place. These effects will subsequently result in significant improvement in skin texture and reduction in wrinkle depth. PN also triggers many other processes of renewal, restoration and growth, making the cells that they affect become more resilient to damage that can cause premature ageing of skin. PN imparts the skin with much enhanced healing time and protection from damage.

About PolyNucleotides

For those who are savvy in the latest aesthetic treatments, Rejuran has become a buzzword among fans of dewy skin and flawless complexions. Rejuran, or its name in full glory: Rejuran PolyNucleotides, is a brand name of an anti-ageing, micro-injectable containing ultra-purified salmon-germ-cell-derived PolyNucloetides.

Its biological effects include:

  • Anti-inflammatory effects on sensitive, inflamed skin;
  • Induction of growth factors for fibroblasts (collagen-making cells) to build collagen; and
  • Improves skin micro-circulation through increased vascular growth factors (VEGF).

With these effects, doctors can treat patients with reactive skin that often occurs post-acne, treat damaged skin and acne scars, and improve fine lines and skin that has become dehydrated and wrinkly. As PN has high affinity for water, skin hydration is much improved – resulting in better skin hydration and reduced wrinkles and large pores. It signals a paradigm shift in the way patients want to be treated aesthetically. Instead of getting themselves makeovers with Botox and fillers, many of them have, instead, requested for Rejuran. Think of the combined effects of the hydrating power of Skin Booster, wrinkle-busting Botox and stem-cell-growth-factor treatments all packed into one syringe.

Are PN injections safe?

Rejuran PolyNucleotide is proven to be safe for injections into the skin. The composition of Rejuran products is 2 percent PolyNucleotide and 98 percent highly purified water and PH-regulators. Unlike fillers, Rejuran injections do not cause unintended tissue necrosis (tissue death) or blindness.

Furthermore, Rejuran PolyNucloetide products are manufactured under extremely strict and sterile CGMP processes to ensure safety and purity of their products. It is manufactured in South Korea – the Korean FDA ensures the quality of drug products by carefully monitoring drug manufacturers’ compliance with its Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) regulations.

How can PN be delivered into the skin?

The best results can be seen when PN is injected, by hand, into the sub-dermal layers of the skin. This allows larger doses of PN to be deposited into areas of concern such as to treat acne-scarred tissues, damaged or aged skin. However, this method of injection will have transient, tiny bumps on the skin that will last for 2-3 days.

Some patients who are averse to pain may prefer an automated injector gun that delivers small but even doses of PN into the superficial layer of the skin. This method of delivery has very minimal discomfort and less downtime – usually small, red spots that disappear within hours of injection. As an added benefit, the skin micro-needling also stimulates collagen production and repair. For the comfort of patients, application of a numbing cream for a good 30 minutes is done prior to the treatment. In most cases, the treatment time may range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on the technique used and areas treated. As with most injectable treatments, their side effects will be:

  • Tiny spots of induration (hardening) immediately after treatement – usually resolved within hours after treatment;
  • Transient appearance of swelling at injection sites, which may resolve within two or three days;
  • Mild bruising from injections that resolves within a few days.

Who will benefit most from PN treatment?

Treatment with PN is suitable for almost anyone of any age and gender, who may have the following skin issues or aesthetic requirement:

Thin and damaged skin due to ageing, frequent sun-exposure, dehydration and poor skin-care;
Fine lines on the face or on specific areas such as areas under the eyes;
Moderate to severe acne resulting in fatigued, atrophic acne-scarred skin (done in conjunction with a laser to resurface the skin);
Oily or dry skin with large, visible pores (re-balances oil-sebum level) and
Want to improve skin quality and skin hydration, in the absence of any skin problems.

What are the expected effects from PN treatment?

In my counselling of patients receiving this treatment, expectations need to be managed. Most patients expect immediate results and lasting dewy hydrating effects from a single session of this treatment – this is not always the case.

Patients receiving Rejuran PolyNucleotide treatments should understand the following:

  • It is NOT meant for augmentation of the face (unlike fillers) – hence, there will not be any drastic, alteration to the appearance of the face.
    It is a healer of damaged skin – hence, it will take four to six weeks of healing processes to take effect.
  • For optimal repair and rejuvenation of the skin, a loading course of three to four treatments in three-week intervals, followed by three to six monthly maintenance treatments. This will impart a sustained and long-lasting healing effect.

Speak to your doctor above this treatment – I would advise seeking treatment from trusted, experienced doctors who have been trained to inject Rejuran PolyNucleotide. Treatments involving injections required doctors to perform – hence Rejuran treatments should never be offered at beauty centre or at a spa.

Disclaimer: Dr Looi has written this article independently, without any association with or financial support from Rejuran or its manufacturer.

Business Times
10-11 August 2019

ST Podcast: Forget about raising your good cholesterol?

ST Podcast: Forget about raising your good cholesterol?

In this episode, ST correspondent Joyce Teo and podcasting head Ernest Luis host Dr Michael Lim, the medical director of MWH Heart, Stroke & Cancer Centre, who’s also the honorary president of the Asian Society of Cardiology.

They ask him for tips on how to change lifestyles to prevent cardiovascular disease, like heart attacks or strokes.

Dr Lim answers the following questions:

1. Why is it hard for us to get a heart attack or stroke, when these conditions are common? (0:40 mins)

2. What is the simplest and cheapest way to prevent a heart attack? Drink enough water (4:04)

3. Why is good cholesterol obsolete today? (5:18)

4. Diabetes is a key risk factor, and Singapore is waging war against it. What else can we do to address this risk? (10:10)

5. Why it is better to have more and smaller meals daily (11:40)

6. How do we monitor our blood pressure levels, and what to look out for when doing so? (12:37)

Produced by: Joyce Teo and Ernest Luis

Edited by: Adam Azlee

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Changing your lifestyle to a healtl1ier one not only prevents diseases, but can also stave off a major health event such as a heart attack.

Cardiovascular diseases cause more than 17 million deaths worldwide, half of which are in Asia. In Singapore, one in three deaths is due to heart diseases or stroke.

As Singapore’s population ages, more people will likely develop such diseases, given that age is a risk factor and unhealthy behaviours are common.

Recently, a new report called for a shift away from an acute care model to a preventive one to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. These include heart attacks, strokes and peripheral artery disease which can cause limb loss.

The Healthy Hearts, Healthy Ageing Asia Pacific Report, released by pharmaceutical company Bayer and the entrepreneurial arm of the National University of Singapore (NUS), NUS Enterprise, also recommended better access to innovative therapies and technologies towards this aim.

While many are aware they should lead healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases, not all know that doing so can stave off a major health event like a heart attack. And, certainly, too few have adopted such a lifestyle.

Professor Tan Huay Cheem, director of the National University Heart Centre Singapore, who was a key contributor of the report, said: “Preventive care is not new and, yet, when we look at the adoption of healthier behaviours, it is not ideal.”

One in three diabetics may not know he has the condition while one in three diabetics has poor control of his disease, he said.

“And half the hypertension patients do not have their blood pressure lowered to the target level despite taking medicines.”

Prof Tan said the access to new preventive drugs that are more powerful and safer but costlier than current options, such as blood thinning medications, can be improved by lessening the time to market as well as subsidising them.

He said the report also highlighted the need for education and it is “not just for the public, but for primary care physicians and policymakers”.

Dr Michael Lim, medical director of MWH Heart Stroke & Cancer Centre, said preventive care is the future.

“I think the future of medicine is one where patients will be empowered with more knowledge and they will be able to change their lifestyles to reduce the development of diseases,” said the senior consultant physician and cardiologist.

“There will be less need for doctors to do any procedures on the heart.”

Heart attacks and strokes are mainly caused by a blockage that prevents blood from flowing to the heart or brain. Plaque, made up of cholesterol, fat and other substances, can build up in the inner walls of arteries.

When there is a tear in the plaque, the body will react by repairing the tear with the formation of a blood clot to seal it, said Dr Lim. If the blood clot is large enough, it will cause complete occlusion of the artery and result in a heart attack or stroke.

“Cardiovascular diseases are mostly caused by unhealthy lifestyles. If you can change lifestyles, you can almost prevent any heart attacks and strokes,” said Dr Lim.

Indeed, more than 90 per cent of such diseases can be prevented, said Prof Tan.

Straits Times Life
Mind your Body
8 July 2019
by Joyce Teo

At the heart of healthcare

23 October 2018 marked another milestone for Singapore Medical Specialists Centre – The opening of MWH Medical Pte Ltd at Royal Square Novena 7th Floor.

Our one-stop facility comprises 3 different focus area and is named as follows:

MWH Medical Specialists Centre presents a multidisciplinary set of specialists’ healthcare services.

MWH Heart, Stroke and Cancer Centre with the main focus of treating the 3 main causes of death: Heart disease, Stroke and Cancer by interventional cardiologists and radiologists.

MWH Centre for Medical Imaging provides health screening and diagnostics imaging, which is the backbone of our efforts to preventive healthcare.

Singapore Medical Specialists Centre aims to be the ideal healthcare choice for locals and medical travellers, by delivering medical services with safe, accurate and excellent outcomes. Our one-stop facility provides comprehensive healthcare and advanced diagnostic services by leading physicians in a private setting with a focus on excellent service standards, with the key focus on ‘Preventive Healthcare, Early Detection and Intervention”.

中国经济新闻网 2018-10-26 – 携手新加坡MWH医疗集团,西门子首个亚洲标准中心正式落成



新加坡MWH 医疗集团与西门子医疗系统有限公司于2018年10 月23 日正式宣布合作,西门子首个亚洲标准中心正式落成启用。位于诺维娜皇家广场7楼的MWH医疗集团旗下又一大型综合性医疗中心举行了盛大的开业典礼。新加坡副总理兼国安部部长张志贤阁下当天作为主宾出席开业大典。


MWH Medical Opening Ceremony Photo

图注:新加坡副总理兼国安部部长张志贤(Teo Chee Hean)阁下作为主宾出席开业典礼。并与西门子医疗执行副总裁Arthur Kaindl医生、西门子医疗董事会主席Michael Reittermann先生、MWH医疗集团医疗总监Michael Lim医生、新加坡国会副议长Charles Chong先生、Quadria Capital执行合伙人Amit Varma医生、MWH医疗集团总裁CEO Wendy Huang女士、Quadria Capital执行合伙人Abrar Mir先生,共同为7楼的MWH医疗中心剪彩,祝贺其正式落成。



Magnetom Vida @ Asia Reference Centre in MWH Centre of Medical Imaging

图注:全亚洲第一台3T Magnetom Vida 磁共振成像仪器

CT Somaton Drive @ Asia Reference Centre in MWH Centre of Medical Imaging

图注:双源CT Somatom Drive 计算机断层扫描仪器





MWH医疗集团是本地第一个引进人工智能与生物科技相结合的西门子3T Magnetom Vida磁共振成像设备的医疗中心。该设备不仅大大缩短了检查时间,还能提供更加清晰、精准、高分辨率的医学影像。该技术可根据每位患者的特定情况和需求自动校准图像的清晰度,从而做到个性化影像诊断,迎合不同患者的特定需求。










地址:MWH Medical Pte Ltd,#07-01, 101 Irrawaddy Road,Royal Square at Novena,Singapore 329565

来源:北国网 编辑: editor016

联合早报 2018年10月24日 3:30 AM 文/卓彦薇 摄影/严宣融 — MWH引进亚洲首台新仪器 磁共振扫描影像更快速清晰

MRI at Siemen Healthineers Asia Reference Centre


本地私人医疗业者MWH医疗集团引进亚洲首台结合人工智能,以及德国西门子医疗(Siemens Healthineers)独家BioMatrix科技的磁共振成像仪器,为病人提供更快速和清晰的扫描影像。

这台3T Magnetom Vida磁共振成像仪器,设在MWH医疗集团位于Royal Square@Novena的新综合医疗中心。



西门子医疗新加坡常务董事萧爱莉受访时指出,磁共振扫描一般用于检查病人的软体组织如血管、肌肉、肌腱等部位。她说:“磁共振扫描没有辐射,因此也适用于检查小孩。”她补充,西门子医疗研发的3T Magnetom Vida磁共振成像仪器,通过人工智能技术和BioMatrix科技,可记录病人的生理机能,实时调整扫描参数,可缩短扫描时间,同时增加影像的解析度。






发布/2018年10月24日 3:30 AM摄影/严宣融来自/联合早报

Leading Homegrown Medical Group, MWH Medical Partners Siemens Healthineers to Launch Region’s First Asia Reference Centre

The partnership will pave the way for the main healthcare hub to incorporate Siemens Healthineers’ latest medical innovations and technology in Asia

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 23 October 2018 – MWH Medical Pte Ltd (“MWH Medical” or “the Group”), a leading homegrown medical group, and Siemens Healthineers are pleased to announce the launch of the first Asia Reference Centre through their partnership. Guest-of-Honour, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, Mr Teo Chee Hean will be officiating the grand opening of the multi-specialist medical centre at Royal Square @ Novena.

Continue reading Leading Homegrown Medical Group, MWH Medical Partners Siemens Healthineers to Launch Region’s First Asia Reference Centre

Quadria Capital acquires stake in leading Singapore multi-specialty medical group, MWH holdings

Quadria Captial Logo

Quadria’s investment and partnership to spearhead MWH’s regional expansion by bringing high quality and affordable multi-specialty care to the region with huge unmet demand.

SINGAPORE / NEW DELHI, 11 July 2017 – Quadria Capital, Asia’s leading healthcare investment firm, has acquired a significant stake in MWH Holdings Pte. Ltd., the holding company for the Singapore Heart, Stroke and Cancer Centre. This marks Quadria’s sixth investment from its third investment vehicle, Quadria Capital Fund L.P.

MWH is Singapore’s leading multi-specialty care group founded by Ms Wendy Huang and supported by a team of internationally renowned specialists with core expertise in cardiology, ENT, gastroenterology, orthopaedics, urology and aesthetics, amongst others. The Company operates under four flagship brands:

  • Singapore Heart, Stroke and Cancer Centre- specialists centre focused on prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, stroke and cancer. The centre also has extensive experience in CT imaging of the heart and is one of Asia’s pioneers in MR coronary imaging;
  • Singapore Medical Specialists Centre– multi-specialist centre offering a comprehensive range of specialty care services;
  • Singapore Centre for Medical Imaging– premier radiology centre offering a wide range of latest high-end diagnostics modalities; and
  • Face, Body and Skin Aesthetics Medical Center – leading aesthetics centre offering non-invasive, minimally invasive and surgical solutions. As part of expansion plans, it recently completed the acquisition of The Aesthetics Medical Clinic, adding an additional 3 branches to its aesthetics division.

MWH currently operates out of Paragon Medical Centre and will be expanding its operations this year with the establishment of a new centre located at Royal Square Novena, the latest mixed development in the Novena medical hub. With the opening of this new centre, MWH will more than double its operations domestically as it seeks to add more specialities and expand its diagnostics capacity.

Regionally, MWH seeks to partner with local hospital operators in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, to provide advanced clinical services within their facilities. Quadria will support MWH’s regional growth ambitions through its existing hospital network and relationships for potential sites for MWH to offer its clinical services.

Dr. Michael Lim, Chief Medical Officer of MWH, said:

“Whilst we continue to serve the domestic and medical tourism segment out of Singapore, we see a significant opportunity regionally, particularly in the mid-tier segment where patients require something more affordable or for certain conditions where patients are unable to travel for treatment. By bringing our brand of multi-specialty care to these countries through partnerships with local operators, we are able to operate with a lower cost structure which translates to lower prices for local patients without comprising the quality of care delivered.”

South and Southeast Asia accounts for 30{3163b34706130b4e1cf64e8c1b910e982a843cab25723611cf66e26b48765851} of the world population and 40{3163b34706130b4e1cf64e8c1b910e982a843cab25723611cf66e26b48765851} of the global disease burden but yet only 5{3163b34706130b4e1cf64e8c1b910e982a843cab25723611cf66e26b48765851} of global healthcare spending[1]. In Southeast Asia, heart diseases alone cause an estimated two million deaths annually, or a quarter of all deaths caused by non-communicable diseases[2]. In addition, majority of Southeast Asian countries lack specialist doctors to treat the rising chronic disease burden. For example, there is one cardiologist per 330,000 people in Indonesia, per 70,000 people in the Philippines and per 50,000 people in Vietnam[3][4][5].

Mr Abrar Mir, Managing Partner and Co-founder of Quadria, said:

“We are very excited to partner with MWH, one of the leading specialty clinic practices in Singapore, with an established reputation for excellence. Together, we believe our partnership has the potential to bring high-quality specialty care, at an affordable price, across a region that continues to have significant unmet medical demand.”

About Quadria Capital

Quadria Capital is an independent healthcare focussed private equity firm with assets under management exceeding US$ 1.5 billion and investments in 18 companies across the Asia-Pacific region.

We focus on partnering with promising regional healthcare companies and, with our active investment strategy, help them grow into regional leaders while creating and delivering outstanding returns to our investors.

We complement our investment objective with a progressive investment philosophy of creating positive impact on environment, society and governance. Our aim is to improve lives by bringing better healthcare for all. This comes from our belief that positive investment returns and constructive social and financial impact must go hand-in-hand.

The Fund is sponsored by Abrar Mir and Dr Amit Varma and has operations based out of Singapore and New Delhi.

QUADRIA CAPITAL Press Release on 11 July 2018